Wednesday, May 28, 2008

What I thought for the for the 12 times

This has been a cool experience. Blogging has been fun. Even though I haven’t done all of my blogs when I was supposed to I like reading what people had to say and think. I also like the fact that this whole class was paperless; it gave a whole new spin on things. I liked the whole paperless thing I told all my teachers.
Writing the blogs was painless, it was just the fact that we had to hit the word limit of 250. I know some of my peers wrote waaayyy more then 250 words but sometimes I just couldn’t. This made it difficult cause I felt like I could just explain myself in a few words but since I had to hit a word limit (teacher skip this part) sometimes I bullshited.
Again I liked reading what people had to say and writing what I felt. Sometimes the deadlines could have been a little later like Sunday night. I don’t know about the rest of you, but for me it was really hard to meet the deadline. I felt rushed at some points especially when we had to go out read other things and websites and write about them. I work and when I come home for like a 12-13 hour day I don’t feel like writing a blog I need to sleep. This was probably my biggest issue was the deadline. I’m thinking that the rest of you probably had problems to, because when I did write it seems like no one else did.
My second thing that I liked about this was the responding. That was fun cool and different. Usually when you write something for class the only person listening is the teacher. Now you have the whole class reading. I liked know that someone was reading my stuff but also I felt like there was a little peer pressure. Like if I didn’t write something and people came to comment they would find nothing there.
Having these blogs has been cool. It’s been fun. This whole class has been a weird (in a good way) experience. It has thrown me off and it felt like the teacher was trusting us to get our paper in on our own.
I think that I might continue to blog. Like one blog a month. I do like getting my word out to the worlds even if know one is listening.


christina said...

i totally agree the deadline sucked. i said maybe weds but sunday nite seems more reasonable.

Erlisa said...

I agree, the deadline could at least have been postponed to Sunday night or at least until the next Wednesday class.