Saturday, May 10, 2008


Okay, It’s May and I’m sure you have all seen the ads up on the subway. It’s bike month oh glorious bike month. What does this mean…absolutely nothing for me, I never had a bike in the first place. Then I started thinking I should get one it would be healthy good for the environment, then I started thinking more. These are some mean streets and drivers in NYC don’t play I really don’t want to get run over you know? Then I thought some more, they do have those bike lanes but it’s like in three places all over the city.
What I’m getting at is the city is so funny, sooo hypocritical they want to promote “bike month” yet do nothing to improve the horrible conditions. They are trying to get rid of petty cabs and they don’t paint more bike lanes and yea there are some electric buses but why are they not all electric.
The city tries so hard, so hard to do there part. Have you noticed the new recycling system? Put everything into one can and we’ll sort it out later. I don’t know what to think. Do they do this because they feel we are not smart enough to figure out how to sort out garbage, or maybe they don’t trust us to sort everything out, shoot I know I don’t.
Our loverly mayor is trying his best to go green (I wish that congesting pricing passed) he really is but is it enough? He put up posters for us to recycle paper, yet there are no paper recycling cans. What’s up with that?
I just wanted to point out the…I don’t know wrongness of the city’s politicsthey want us to do one thing (go green!) but promotes something else(global warming : (}
Maybe it’s just up to us to make the real changes and not wait for the damn city to wake up and get real and not do things half assed.

1 comment:

Doctor X said...

I believe the rant is deserved. The city does seem to take one step forward and two steps back.